Top 10k strings from Star Quest (1984)(Church Army Resource Centre).tzx
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2 star ( 2 (UDG+W(d))+ 2 "as the sun sets, you see a new star shining low in the West!! 2 "1")+W(d)) 1 verb=verb- 1 uuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppuuupprrrppppppppppppppppppppppppuuupqppprpppppppppppppppppppppppuuupqprrrrrsppppppppppppppppppppuuppqrrrpsssssppppppppppppppppppuuppqsrpsssspspppppppwwpppppppppuppqqssssssssppppppwwwwpppppppppuupqqsssssssppppwppwwwwwpppppppppppqqspppppsppppwwpwpwwwpppppppppppqqsssssssppppwwwwwwwwpppppppppppqqssssssssppwwwwwwwwwpppppppppppqqpsssssspppwppppwwwwpppppppppppqqpppppppppwwppppwwpwppppppppqqqqqttttttttwwwppppwwwwppppppppppppppptttttttpwwwwwwwwwpppppppppppppttttttttttwwwwwwwpppppppppp 1 starlogo 1 star 1 nothing particularly special 1 noreassouwesn e s w go crogetdrolooligkilbuybriinvhelfeecliruneatleapayspereajumdigentridrelwalresoffcalstosav 1 mancammestoloffbeacavgollanfranotmyrtrelamknirabonipearocdisparshobunmapsanscrbrispastawinbegstrvercoiseeweeshewriroodowcharivdrumonsilhel 1 loading 1 dist>EXH-3 1 dist=dist+ 1 count=count+1 1 at the end of a damp dead end alleyway in a busy main street where many people mill around in the livestock market. Many traders are selling animals. in the main street where people jostle you on every side at the north gate of the town. A large lock secures the exit. South of the main street. The city gate is to the West in a narrow grey street with old buildings on either side. in a narrow street with grey buildings all around. in a narrow street surrounded by grey silent buildings. in a narrow street with grey silent buildings on either a silent narrow street with grey buildings on either side. in a narrow street with dull silent buildings on either the city gate,which opens onto the vast lands beyond. outside the South West limits of the city wall. on a dry dusty road surrounded by rocky wastes. to the South West of the city of Babylon 1 a tall swarthy man a strong looking camel an odd message on a wall a toll booth a gruff looking official a grisly bear a dark cave a pot of fine gold a brass lantern some rich frankincense a mysterious note some expensive myrrh a tall silvery tree a baby lamb a rusty knife a trapped rabbit a mouldy onion a valuable pearl a steep pile of rocks a clay dish a secret parchment a well stocked shop a bag of buns an old map a patch of red sand a coloured scroll a rickety bridge a shiny spade a dimly lit stable a skin of new wine a blind beggar a suspicious stranger a verse in the dust a lost coin a mustard seed a patch of weeds a smiling shepherd some writing in the sand 1 That's for you to work out!! I dont understand that at all! Boo hoo, why are you angry with me? OK, you cross the bridge No, it will only give you a headachetell me what to take but you already have it!! Sorry, I cant see that around here Come on, dont be so daft OK boss, you now have say what you want to drop but you aren't carrying it Yes, I'm not too heavy am I? tell me what you want to kill It cant be killed if it isn't here The official falls dead at your feet You attack the tall man tell me what you want to buy you cant kill that!! There is nobody here to bribe you try to bribe the official He ignores your outstretched palm you are arrested by soldiers he looks around and takes the money! Whoops, that was a mistake Move us all back one p 1 Q$="nothing particularly special" 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMO 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMON 1 O(noun)=a: 1 North East South West 1 Micah 5.2 Isaiah 7.14 Malachi 3.1 Isaiah 40.3 Isaiah 9.2 Y 1 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 KM)+("stealing a camel" 1 GGGGGGGGGO 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BO)+("killing a citizen of Babylon" 1 BI)+("you are feeling feverish" 1 ;"what will you do now?"; 1 ;"what will you do now? "; 1 ;"the SAVE operates as 3 seperate sections of data, follow the prompt at the bottom of the screen." 1 ;"You have found the new king, the Lord Jesus Christ!!!" 1 ;"HIT A KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 ;"A map of Babylon and the lands to the West. These regions are not greatly travelled, so some detail may be missing. " 1 ;" STAR QUEST IS LOADING " 1 00000002040106030002000005000200000004000200071306081200120912071212120809121212121012121211121200060000130017152113162615141825160019181617201900000000181900302200150023002127000022292520300026162400271525002821260029002700002328352420000032300036332431373400323835003339002934403731005338323600393337514000384900353900000000420042430042424244424345424246420047004245424844424740454400395064490051635038526251005300523600545300555554000056595555575855555500595700605456566153000062006068635161006450627065496371000064006700007968006678000000007000687671636975726470740000717373727373727175817470008080697700766878007767790078660089007576858274800000728100008284958300850084008694850087938600880087008991887990009189000087889000938791009486870095859300008394000000000000000000000000003500343900006400 0000006200061415172020200000007786008892 1 )="00006400" 1 ("you have died from fatigue!!" 1 ("the stranger scowls and makes a sign to someone in a doorway!!" 1 ("bribing a toll official" 1 ("He says 'I'm not letting a foreigner through my toll!'" 1 "yum yum, they were good buns": 1 "you speak to the official": 1 "you seem to have found a secret tunnel leading to the outside!": 1 "you release the rabbit, which runs off to the west": 1 "you have nothing to feed it with": 1 "you have nothing to dig with": 1 "you have no weapon": 1 "you have ";sv;" silver pieces left" 1 "you had better check your possessions.": 1 "you enter the stable." 1 "you can see" 1 "you are already doing that": 1 "whoops,it crumbled away as you r 1 "think back over your journey, do you have all the gifts?": 1 "the stable is locked, there is nobody about": 1 "the shepherd grins!": 1 "the man overcomes you instantly" 1 "the beggar cries 'charity for the poor!!'": 1 "the ";O$(noun, 1 "that wont do a scorpion bite any good": 1 "sorry ";Y$ 1 "press 'y' if you really want to stop";D 1 "oh dear, it crumbled away!!": 1 "not alot!!": 1 "nobody wants that": 1 "nobody wants that here": 1 "luckily you found the entrance": 1 "it says, ": 1 "it reads "+L$(SKR) 1 "it is pitch dark.": 1 "find the mesage and then travel E,N,W,W,N 1 "dont be so vicious!!": 1 "camels have ears!!": 1 "be careful ";Y$: 1 "You've really done it now!!" 1 "You will begin from a city called Babylon in the far East.";'';"I'm afraid I cant give much moreaway because there are many people who would like to stop you." 1 "You must return something which you do not own": 1 "You kill the ": 1 "You have 25 silver pieces to begin with, good fortune!!" 1 "You can't afford to do it":: 1 "You are apprehended by soldiers who accuse you of ": 1 "You are about to set out on a long and dangerous quest." 1 "You are ": 1 "Wishing you God speed he points to a hidden track leading West across the hills.": 1 "Will tell that a gift is close at hand.'": 1 "Well done ";Y$;"!!" 1 "We have tarried long for you. Not daring to wait any longer, we have set out to follow the star." 1 "We cannot of course tell you where they are hidden, but we know you to be a person of some resource, and trust that you will overcome all obstacles." 1 "We believe that the star is the herald of a new king........... hurry after us!!!" 1 "Visible exits are >": 1 "Try looking these up now" 1 "These passages are also used in the New Testament in relation toJesus. You may like to search for them." 1 "There are some part of the game which you missed, why not have another go??" 1 "The shepherd grins and takes the lamb." 1 "The beggar accepts the money.": 1 "The Northern part of the city isnotorious for bandits, proceed with caution." 1 "Suddenly you are set upon by thieves,": 1 "Save completed": 1 "Read and make careful note of these, because they are too fragile to carry." 1 "Ooooh, that didnt do you much good": 1 "OUCH..Don't do that!!!!" 1 "OUCH.... you have been bitten by a scorpion, this could be trouble": 1 "OK,cowardy features": 1 "OK, you were lucky!!": 1 "OK, you are back on your own feet": 1 "OK, well done anyway": 1 "OK, the camel stays here": 1 "OK, the camel saunters slowly across the bridge": 1 "OK, set up the tape and then hit a key": 1 "OK, if you really want to!": 1 "My dear ";Y$ 1 "Look for five coloured scrolls, which contain references from the scriptures. These will assist you to find your destination, and to know the one we seek." 1 "Keeerbooom...a loud thunderclap has frightened your camel away!": 1 "It seems that you lost a few things thought!!": 1 "It says 'Look in the place where Lot dwelt. Gen 19.30. (be careful to light your way)'": 1 "It says 'Damascus is your goal, paupers are not all they seem!!": 1 "It reads, 'The colour of blood upon the sand," 1 "It looks as if you are trapped": 1 "It is not for sale": 1 "It is almost certain that we have been followed, and so we intend to hide our treasures along the way in the hope that you will come after us and retrieve them." 1 "Inside you see a small manger. A woman sits nearby, cradling a baby." 1 "In this game,you sought a King, he is also a King in reality, and we hope that STARQUEST has encouraged you to get to know him better." 1 "In particular, you did a bit of killing...perhaps you can get by without doing that!" 1 "Ifbe gps uif tpvuifso gpsftut !!": 1 "I was born, under a wandrin' star.....OK?": 1 "I think you should know that you and the camel cannot cross together!!!": 1 "I dont know what '";U$;"' is": 1 "Howdo ";Y$ 1 "He tells you that three men were here a few days ago and spoke of of a new star.": 1 "He excitedly tells you of a new star which he has seen shining to the West." 1 "He advises you to travel via Bethany, where the shepherds may be able to help.": 1 "Glug, you have fallen into a deep swamp.": 1 "For now, look carefully in the 'GREY STREETS' of Babylon." 1 "During the game, you found some scrolls with the following bible references >" 1 "Cor, that's a mouthful ";'';"try a shorter version": 1 "CRASH.....There has been a rock fall": 1 "87")="86008800": 1 "68")="62006077": 1 "5";"S T A R Q U E S T" 1 "3000"+(verb* 1 "2")=j$(40 1 "2")=" " 1 "19")="00000000": 1 "13")="00060000": 1 "10")+("you have died from your wound " 1 "1";"type it here "; 1 "1";"press a key for the next page!!": 1 "1";"Please tell me your name": 1 "1";"NOW HIT A KEY FOR SOME SPECIAL INFORMATION!" 1 "1")="why" 1 "1")="tal" 1 "1")="tak" 1 "1")="swi" 1 "1")="sin" 1 "1")="sel" 1 "1")="say" 1 "1")="pra" 1 "1")="no " 1 "1")="giv" 1 "1")="fre" 1 "1")="ext" 1 "1")="dri" 1 "..Oh dear, the camel stumbled and you fell into a pit!": 1